corruption, corruption risk, corruption prevention, military sphere, corruption problemsAbstract
Corruption in the military industry is considered especially dangerous, in which the environment is favorable for its growth and spread. This seriously harms the effectiveness of the military organization and the readiness of the army, undermines the public and international partners' trust in the armed forces, prevents the guarantee of the safety of citizens and, in the worst case, becomes a threat to the mechanisms of democratic governance and the fundamental principles of the state's existence in modern conditions. It was found that the degree of corruption only increases during the war, which is considered natural in the circumstances of instability and the state's aim to preserve sovereignty and territorial integrity. The damage caused by the war is an additional factor that activates uncontrolled manifestations of corruption. Against the background of military confrontation, the introduction of international standards and practices can condition the strengthening of legal and regulatory mechanisms in the fight against corruption. Efforts made by Ukraine to prevent corruption in peacetime play a significant role. However, in the following anti-corruption measures, it is important to understand the need to revise the normative acts as widely as possible in accordance with the complex situation and to develop effective legislation for the post-war period, aimed at preventing the continuous strengthening of corruption and understanding the destructive impact of the mentioned phenomenon. The main problems of corruption in the military sphere are given, in particular, inadequate control and transparency, low salaries for military personnel, non-transparency in decision-making, as well as personnel problems. It was found that in order to overcome the problems related to combating corruption in the military sphere, it is necessary to analyze military corruption criminal violations; introduce «transparent» institutions of public procurement, taking into account the needs and requirements of the legal regime of martial law; implement the return of the mechanism for declaring military officials. Only through a consolidated effort is it possible to achieve stable effects in guaranteeing the integrity, effectiveness and commitment of the military sphere.
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