


government regulation, dropshipping, onlibe trading, responsibility of business entities


The article studies the process of volume growth in the sales of goods using e-commerce tools. Several approaches are given to the definition of a new economic phenomenon for the Ukrainian legal system – dropshipping. The definition of the economic model of intermediaries’ activity in the sale of trade and services has been formed. Significant economic advantages of using dropshipping are highlighted, including: no need to invest large nominal capital, no risk of loss of capital and working capital, a simple form of legalization of activities, no need to bear the cost of maintaining warehouses and administering items. The main types of transactions concluded between participants entering into dropshipping relations have been determined. The main characteristics of agency agreements application in the implementation of the sale of goods and services to end consumers are indicated. The main problematic issues of state regulation of the liability of intermediaries for delayed delivery of goods, delivery by the manufacturer / supplier of goods of inadequate quality and failure to notify the buyer about the real legal status of such an intermediary are analyzed. As a result of the study it was concluded that the further spread of dropshipping model use in Ukraine among small businesses is expected in order to sell goods and services of the manufacturer / supplier through intermediaries. The increase in the number of deals involving dropshippers will certainly have a huge impact on the development of e-commerce. The article proves the need for further research into the legal regulation of the activities of dropshippers, which requires legislative consolidation of dropshipping concept, determination of the circle of participants in such a model of product sales, as well as clarification of the actual provisions of consumer protection legislation.


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How to Cite

Бронат, Ю. (2022). STATE REGULATION OF DROPSHIPPING RELATIONS IN UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 8-14.