


public control, civil control, border agency, rules and principles, legality


The article is devoted to the problem of implementation of democratic civil control in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. An analysis of scientific works in various fields (monographs, dissertations, scientific publications) in order to obtain a holistic view of the state of democratic civilian control in the security and defense sector, in particular in the border department. The procedure for defining the concept of democratic civilian control as a result of highlighting only its essential features: a set of legal measures or procedures of legal, organizational, personnel or other content (nature), to ensure the priority of law, legitimacy, legality, publicity and accountability of the security sector and defense, and promoting their effective activities in the performance of functions, national security of the state. The key principles of democratic civilian control over the security and defense sector are highlighted: the dominance of the civilian sphere of society over the military, which is the main regulatory factor in determining the content of democratic civilian control over the security and defense sector; communication between civilians and the military in the interests of society; professionalization of military service, which creates trust and increases the authority of service in society. The following mechanisms of democratic civil control in the border service are analyzed: the legal mechanism is the basis for its democratization and the foundation of all forms and types of both state and public control (adoption of relevant legal documents, the purpose of which is to clearly define terminology, functions, rights and responsibilities of the parties; meeting the requirements for openness and publicity of the agency); organizational mechanism is the clarity of the structure and organizational and staffing features in various forms and types of state and public control (provides clarity and specification of control; reflects the specifics of its organizational staffing structure); public councils and consultations; public-private partnership in Ukrainian society, and especially in the security and defense sector, is an unknown type of control that has not received the necessary development and functioning.


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How to Cite

Тушко, К., Мірошніченко, А., & Олешко, Д. (2022). MAIN MECHANISMS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF DEMOCRATIC CIVIL CONTROL IN THE STATE BORDER GUARD SERVICE OF UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 138-144.