


driver, driving, vehicle, right to drive a vehicle, traffic rules of Ukraine


The article examines the concept and legal basis of driving vehicles, the relevance of which is due to the implementation of respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens in administrative and legal relations in the field of road safety. Also, while working on the presented material, the concepts that theoretically and practically could be used in legislative and executive regulations to improve the work of law enforcement agencies and address the issue of consolidating at the state level terminology, which is currently the period of time does not find its legal confirmation. The article is devoted to deepening the solution of theoretical principles of defining the concept of driving a vehicle and substantiating the directions and ways to improve the legislation of Ukraine on the formation and implementation of this definition in law enforcement practice. Accordingly, the article addresses the following issues: research of theoretical foundations and disclosure of the content of the concept of driving in Ukraine, disclosure and definition based on clarification of theoretical approaches to the concept of driving, components of this definition and process, clarifies the legal nature and relationship connection between the participants of these legal relations, clarifies the scientific position on a clear understanding of the definition of driving and establishing a common legal basis for obtaining the right to drive these vehicles, as well as justifies the introduction of scientific and rulemaking concepts of “driving” and “driving”, criteria of classification of these definitions are offered, features of a legal position of the person driving vehicles on legal bases are defined, in accurately defined order, directions of realization of the administrative-legal status of driving of thunder are defined adyans vehicles in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Маслянко, С. (2022). CONCEPTS AND LEGAL BASES OF DRIVING IN UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (4), 110-116.