training, education, upbringing, armed forces, training of servicemen, patriotism, devotion to the state.Abstract
The article analyzes scientific approaches to the problem of training the personnel potential of the armed forces in Great Britain, the United States, Israel, and Germany. The author argues that the systematic activities of education and training of servicemen in the UK and found that the result of such personnel policy is a high level of trust on the part of the British High Command to commanders of combat units and their ability to perform tasks. Thus, at the final stage of preparation of the British brigade for rotation in the combat zone, no one sends commissions to it to check the state of combat readiness. The brigade commander's report is enough to command the operation, because it is he who will fight, not those who checked him. At the same time, the training of servicemen in Germany is aimed precisely at simulating means of combat operations, the use of innovative technologies for training servicemen, and the formation of psychological readiness for military and combat operations. The article highlights the following features of the system of officer training in the US Army: continuity and flexibility; permanent character; significant contribution of civilian universities in the recruitment of primary officer positions; availability of a network of schools, training centers, training, retraining and advanced training courses for military personnel, the number and level of which vary depending on the situation and the needs of the US military in certain specialties; short-term military training of US military command staff in military colleges, which are essentially higher academic courses. Israel's military education system is constantly evolving and responsive to the changing demands of modern warfare and state-building. The goals of education are determined based on the definition of education, the direction of social relations. The author substantiates that the system of training servicemen abroad is aimed at training military specialists and, especially, officers dedicated to the state and bloc political strategy of their countries, their skills are formed in such a way as to provide state-of-the-art training.
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