


social competence, cultural competence, socio-cultural competence, artistic competence, professional training of specialists in the field of public administration.


In the article the authors consider the importance of forming socio-cultural competence of students – future managers. They prove that social competence at the present stage of human development is a fundamental competence. The formation of social competence is becoming increasingly important in the noosphere civilization, and the level of its formation has a great influence on professional development and values of the individual. If we consider this phenomenon in a global context, the current level of social competence of the younger generation will have an impact on the further development of mankind. Social competence is a set of certain personal characteristics, social abilities, theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which includes existential skills (soft skills), social intelligence and historical memory. The result of socialization and inculturation of the individual is cultural competence, which enables one to understand, correctly interpret and apply the acquired knowledge about cultural attitudes, values and norms. Cultural competence includes knowledge, moral norms, cultural intelligence; each of these constructs requires the formation of students' competencies of different levels. The artistic component of professional competence is a set of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, experience of cultural and artistic activities; the formation of artistic competence contributes to meeting the needs of the individual in social, cultural and information-communicative practices. In this regard, the authors propose to supplement the current standard and curricula of professional training in the specialty 281 Public Administration and Management with artistic competence and disciplines of the art cycle.


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How to Cite

Дзвінчук, Д. І., & Качмар, О. В. (2022). SOCIO-CULTURAL COMPETENCE AS A BASIS FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF PROFESSIONALS IN THE FIELD OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 19-29.