


strategy, public organization, public authorities, mission, strategic goals, strategic results.


The article clarifies the role of the strategy of a public organization, its differences from the strategy of a commercial organization and identifies the features of the strategy for a public organization. It is determined that the strategy is a necessary prerequisite for success in the practice of public organization. It allows you to focus the efforts of all employees to achieve the desired goals, as well as directs the development and movement of public organization in a certain direction. The purpose of the study is to justify the choice of strategy for public organization, to determine the features of its formation in modern conditions. Based on the purpose of the study, the following tasks were solved: the essence and necessity of strategic management of the organization were considered; the classifications of strategies of the organization are analyzed; identified factors influencing the choice of organizational structure of management. It is described that public authorities are open systems, and therefore, according to the general theory of systems, their activities will be successful if there is a continuous interaction and feedback with the external environment. This encourages a new look at the activities of public authorities. If before their operation was based on the use of legal provisions, procedures, standard approaches developed and proposed by higher education institutions, today they are called to actively participate in the development of management methodology, which allowed them to form their own, different characteristics and positive image. consumers of services.It is substantiated that for a public organization the financial indicators of the strategy are not decisive, because profit is not the main thing. Public funding is often funded by third-party financial infusions, but costs and revenues must be clearly calculated. The strategy of a public organization must meet strict requirements, namely: to create values; to be performed with the help of available resources; be acceptable to all managers; be based on realistic predictions and accurate information; be flexible enough to adapt to unexpected changes in the external and internal environment.


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How to Cite

Динник, І. П. (2022). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 30-36.