


health and social care, public policy, threats, services, efficiency, health, stage, COVID-19 pandemic, challenges


The article states that in order to counteract the COVID-19 pandemic, all countries need to improve the organization and functioning of health care systems. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, most national health sectors could operate systematically, taking only basic measures to ensure preparedness for large-scale emergencies. State social and humanitarian policy has created a sense of complacency, which has led to gaps in the implementation of basic public health functions at the present stage. It was found that the authorities did not plan to take appropriate action in response to national emergencies that exceeded their capacity to provide basic medical care. This has led to ineffective public administration, coordination and regulation measures, as well as shortcomings in patient treatment protocols, care standards, and infection prevention and control systems. This situation was typical even for states that had highly developed health care systems and great basic opportunities for compliance with health standards. Initial COVID-19 pandemic strategies did not pay adequate attention to the provision of basic services and the introduction of new public health and social protection measures. However, a number of primary health care-oriented health systems have demonstrated resilience, adapting quickly and maintaining the continuity of key services by redistributing the clinical burden between levels of care. The implementation of the functions of different levels of care in terms of early detection of infections has led to cases of mild disease, these measures have reduced the excessive morbidity and mortality associated with COVID-19. For public administration in the period of pandemic impacts, public authorities need to pay special attention to addressing fundamental shortcomings in the health care system and the basic functions of public health care. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the chronic underlying shortcomings of health systems, which have put the service process at risk of possible transmission. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has also shown a weak focus of many primary care systems, including fragmented care, over-reliance on hospitals, low medical literacy, and a lack of effective health management systems, including education, basic training and advanced training. Public authorities that recognized the threat to public health at an early stage, enjoyed public confidence, made decisions based on available evidence and coordinated the process of preparedness and response between sectors seem to have been more successful in ending the transfer. infections in society. The decentralized risk management system, which is integrated with local authorities and uses a primary health care approach, has provided much-needed flexibility at the local level to effectively manage the ever-changing situation.


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How to Cite

Албов, Н. Є. (2022). SOCIO-HUMANITARIAN ASPECTS OF PUBLIC POLICY REFORM IN PUBLIC HEALTH AT THE CURRENT STAGE OF PANDEMIC CHALLENGES COVID-19. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 3-9.