


civilization development, humanitarian direction, state youth policy, political system, public administration, professional potential, welfare of society, social challenges and changes, perspective of humanistic changes


The article examines the process of humanitarian-oriented orientation of public administration representatives in the direction of formation and development of state youth policy in the era of challenges and changes. Perhaps the most stable, most perfect and most democratic are those societies where in an era of complex socio-political and economic challenges and threats, there is interaction between different generations of people – regardless of their fundamental differences and even contradictions, when citizens can consciously take a step towards each other, able to cooperate, self-realization and caring for mutual self-realization. Emphasizing the problems of the young generation of the XXI century, we realize that such a situation can happen only if the young generation is properly formed and prepared for life. It is a balanced, responsible and effective – oriented youth policy that requires humanitarian and ethical orientation of domestic public policy, taking into account the best world and European experience in addressing these issues. Hence the main questions that determine the effectiveness of society, the state to use the objective potential of young people: a) what and how society, state, government can and can give young people for their full start in life; b) how to develop moral and ethical worldview values of the young generation in order to personal self-determination and realization of professional potential for the benefit of society, the state as a whole. Comprehensive solution of these and other issues is possible provided that there is a holistic, well-verified state youth policy, which aims to coordinate the activities of all actors, to create the most favorable conditions for social adaptation in the face of challenges and threats to the country’s civilizational development. changes. (annotation of at least 1800 characters with spaces) Key words: civilization development, humanitarian direction, state youth policy, political system, public administration, professional potential, welfare of society, social challenges and changes, perspective of humanistic changes.


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How to Cite

Титаренко, Л. М. (2022). HUMANITARIAN-ORIENTED DIRECTION OF STATE YOUTH POLICY IN THE CONDITIONS OF CHALLENGES AND CHANGES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 82-89.