public administration, subject of management, object of management, model of social stateAbstract
The article examines the historical aspects of the formation of science “Public Administration”. Socio-economic processes of the state are based on two interrelated phenomena: the essence of the subject of management and the specifics of the managed objects. It was they who necessitated the emergence of science that would study the specifics of social and economic development of the country at the state level. Such science became an independent scientific field in the twentieth century, receiving the name “public administration”, and after the middle of the twentieth century. “Public administration”. It appeared in Ukraine only after gaining independence, but its principles, methods and mechanisms can be observed at all stages of human development. The author of the article explores three stages of the study of public and public administration: the stage of the emergence of public administration as a science; stage of formation of public administration as a science; stage of application of public administration in modern society. The study of the process of formation of public administration as a science and the definition of the social component as an integral part of it allowed to create a theoretical basis for the analysis of problematic issues of social development of Ukraine. Based on the study, you can create your own Ukrainian model of the welfare state, which will help increase the level of economic and social development of the country.
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