


public administration, public service, wartime, reforming the public administration system, information policy, corruption


The article analyzes the main problems and prospects of reforming the public administration system in wartime conditions. The author attributes the following to the main problems of the public administration system in wartime. First, the introduction and active use of digital technologies. It is the digitalization of public administration that enables citizens to receive important administrative services through information and communication channels, which ensures not only the speed of receiving documents important for human life, but also safety, because such services can be received in any settlement where active hostilities are not taking place actions Secondly, improving the professionalism of civil servants and improving their qualifications in the field of digitization of public administration. Thirdly, in the conditions of innovative public administration, the development of the concept of social responsibility and the formation of a client-oriented organizational culture acquire special importance. In turn, cultural changes entail a change in the values and perceptions of specialists, the formation of their professional and personal culture, respect for consumers of administrative services, strategic thinking, etc. Fourthly, situational management in conditions of uncertainty and emergencies becomes relevant in wartime conditions. Situational management in state authorities in conditions of uncertainty and emergency situations is a type of operational management, which is carried out together with strategic and perspective planning of measures taken in accordance with the dynamics of changes in the situation. Fifth, the issue of preventing and countering corruption needs to be resolved. Anti-corruption is possible only under the condition of systemic impact on all factors that contribute to the emergence and existence of corruption. The fight against corruption should first of all be regulative rather than repressive. That is, it is necessary to create conditions for the "rehabilitation" of personnel to refrain from corruption offenses. Sixth, it is necessary to improve personnel policy in the field of public service and optimize the personnel composition of the public administration system. Seventh, development of an anti-crisis management strategy. Anti-crisis management is a combination of forms and methods of implementing anticrisis procedures for state authorities. Eighth, the formation of information culture among the population and civil servants.


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How to Cite

Білоус, А. О. (2022). PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF THE REFORM OF THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM IN THE CONDITIONS OF WARTIME. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 23-29.