


public administration, population, quality, primary health care, public health


Achievements of national scientists: the concepts of «medical service» and «medical care» have been distinguished; mechanisms (methods, means) for public quality management of public health care have been systematised; methods for assessing the quality of medical care and the activities of primary health care providers have been summarised; methods for assessing the quality of public medical care and the effectiveness of the medical reform at the primary level of the national health-care system as a means of influencing its parameters; a description of the level of legal, staffing, and logistical support for primary health care institutions and units, as well as the sources of their funding; characterisation of the specific features of health care provision according to different criteria; problems that reduce the quality of medical care have been identified; priority areas for improving the conditions for public health care provision have been specified; advantages of health care provision on the basis of family medicine have been justified. Although the quality of primary public health care depends on proper interaction and resource provision in the «patient – doctor and/or medical staff – medical institution» chain, the influence of public administration and local authorities on this process cannot be neglected. The topic «Public management of the quality of primary public health care» is a promising area of dissertation research, and further investigation should be devoted to the development of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations aimed at improving public management of the development of primary health care facilities as a key to improving public health.


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How to Cite

Мельниченко, О. А., & Сємєнєнко, С. В. (2022). CURRENT STATE OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FIELD OF PUBLIC QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF PRIMARY PUBLIC HEALTH CARE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 79-85.