


public administration, digitalization, digital society, electronic services, digital competences, civil servants


The article systematizes scientific approaches to the problem of introducing digitalization into the public administration system. State authorities constantly collect, generate and accumulate large arrays of digitized data. Targeted data collection activities include, for example, statistical data, continuous monitoring of the state of various systems: environmental, social, health care, education system, sociological research on current problems of society. The very accumulation and processing of such management information may carry risks and threats, and concealment or manipulation of information data may also be observed. The research highlights the following problems of introducing digitalization into the public administration system. First, the existing legislation on the implementation of digitalization of public administration is imperfect. Today, the system concept of digitalization of public administration needs to be introduced. Secondly, today there is a low level of modern digital competences and professional qualifications of civil servants. Thirdly, an important problem is ensuring the information security of citizens and the system of public administration. The fourth problem arises from the previous problem regarding the introduction of fakes and distorted information into the information environment, which can undermine the authority and reputation of power structures, specific politicians, distort statements and the current situation. Such distorted information harms not only the image of Ukraine and individual officials, but can also negatively affect the psychological wellbeing of Ukrainians and harm the Armed Forces of Ukraine to successfully conduct military operations. However, the development of technologies in the field of public administration can also carry risks, primarily for citizens. It is already possible to buy information on the Internet from the databases of various state authorities, which should not be accessible to third parties. Fifth, there is a problem of information inequality among citizens – that is, not all citizens have access to information networks, sometimes elderly people do not know how to use electronic gadgets. And it is they who will not be able to use, for example, electronic services.


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How to Cite

Савченко, О. С. (2022). PROBLEMS OF IMPLEMENTING DIGITALIZATION IN THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 102-108.