


municipal educational system, regional education system, municipalization of education, management of the municipal educational system, the main features of the municipal educational system.


The article analyzes the essence of the concept of municipal educational system as a sociocultural and pedagogical phenomenon in modern conditions. It is determined that municipalization as a principle of development of the education system implies the growth of social value (significance) of education, which is conditioned by the degree of satisfaction of students, parents, city population, the range and quality of services offered, on the one hand, and their compliance with the economic, socio-cultural needs of the city - on the other. The discrepancy between educational services and educational needs, as well as services and needs of the city leads to contradictions that stimulate the development of innovative processes in education. The components of the municipal education system, which includes a network of administrative and public-public authorities that ensure the functioning, development, improvement of education and upbringing processes, taking into account the real resources and capabilities of each particular city, are investigated. All components of this system are interconnected. The content component, which is associated with the implementation of various programs of general, vocational, special, additional, school, preschool education, and the diversity of programs reflects the diversity of educational needs of different groups of the population; the organizational aspect, which involves taking into account the diversity of system parameters, which are: continuity of education, which provides for the continuity of all its links; inertia; adaptability; flexibility; dynamism; predictability. The paper describes the concept of "regional" and "municipal education systems". The comparison of these two concepts leads to the conclusion that they have in common the characteristic of the system through a set of certain units that meet the needs of the population in educational services. In both cases, the specificity of the region and the municipality is manifested in the accounting of socio-economic, scientific, cultural and other features of the territory on which the education system is formed and functions. It is investigated that the municipalization of education should be considered as an independent principle of organization, functioning and development of the educational sphere in the context of the formation of the modern concept of local self-government, as an integral system and a continuous process of improving the efficiency of local educational space management.


Про освіту: Закон України № 2145-VⅠⅠⅠ від 05.09.2017 р. URL: http://zakon0. (дата звернення 05.11.2022 р.)

Про місцеве самоврядування: Закон України № 280/97-ВР від 21.05.1997 р. URL::вр

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How to Cite

Захорольська, В. М. (2023). MUNICIPAL EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AS A SOCIO-CULTURAL AND PEDAGOGICAL PHENOMENON. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (5), 22-29.