


rural development, decentralization, risks of decentralization, public policy


The development of rural areas encompasses a certain range of social relations that make up a single system of state formation. The reform of decentralization of powers in Ukraine has created the preconditions for the independent development of territories. The question of the impact of decentralization on the development of rural areas, which require in-depth disclosure of public policy content and ways of minimizing its inherent risks in implementation, remain under-explored. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of decentralization on rural development and to summarize world experience to adapt it in Ukraine. In the scientific use of the term "rural development" more dynamically links the progress of rural areas to the human factor and the rural environment. The experience of the implementation of the CAP of the EU shows that the transition to rural development policy is a response to the increasing external pressure on rural communities, exerted by globalization and competition for natural resources both internally and externally. Today, there is a growing consensus that the rural sector plays a crucial, decisive role in achieving food security goals, poverty reduction and strengthening natural resource management, and the development of regions in general. It is obvious that decentralization can increase the effectiveness of actions aimed at rural development. For effective change, an institutional mechanism needs to be put in place to enable this consensus to be transformed into sustainable rural development. For this, decentralization must be a common process that covers all forms of public administration. Decentralization risk management policies should include an assessment of current processes and facilitate the development of a more adequate model of converting decentralization into a rural development tool. In view of these risks, it is clear that special efforts are needed to create and strengthen associations that represent the entire rural population, whose role should serve as a link for dialogue between the state and other rural development partners.


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How to Cite

Губа, М. (2021). RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE DECENTRALIZATION REFORM SYSTEM. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 17-24.