public administration reform, values, value system, social experience, human resources.Abstract
The content and goals of the state consist, first of all, in contributing to the material and spiritual development of society. It is extremely necessary, for the successful achievement of goals, to study the internal state of society, to pay attention to the problems that concern it, because society itself is a real and actual source of shaping the direction of the movement of state administration. The validity and effectiveness of the goals of state administration are determined by their dependence on certain resources and their availability. Human resources are of particular importance. In this article, we will consider the personality as a resource, its value orientation in the process of public administration reform. The transition to real democracy involves changing the mechanisms of goal determination in public administration, providing it with elements of a rational, objectively determined nature. Goals are determined through the activity of the political system, and thus are a subjective imprint of the objective. By objective, it is meant that the goals of state administration are born and should be born “from below” – a movement from the needs and interests of people united in the state. In today’s conditions, the problem of worldview reassessment of the values of society as a whole, which cannot but affect the formation of value orientations of the individual in particular, is becoming urgent. This is a mutually determined process, because changes at the level of the individual worldview have their own continuation and impact on the life of society, affecting all spheres of its functioning. The progress of public administration reform depends to a large extent on the individual personality that forms the image of the manager as a whole. This is, first of all, a person who, based on his own life experience, has his own formed system of values.
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