


physical culture and sports, mechanisms of public administration


On the basis of the analysis of the most important scientific approaches, the state has the right to use the mechanisms of the sovereign administration of physical culture and sports in Ukraine. The views on relevant scientific concepts before understanding the concept of «physical culture and sport» and the «mechanism of sovereign control», «program-control method», «program-control method», «program-control principle» . As a specific type of living management, I’m realizing that I’m looking for another way to go to the last management days, as well as «control» functions. By emphasizing the respect for the necessary daylightness of an entirely new specific mechanism of the sovereign government, a kind of winery results from the decentralization process in Ukraine. On the basis of the accomplishment of the trial, the baskets are shy to work out in a day-to-day manner for the mechanism of the sovereign governing the physical culture and sports in Ukraine. Immediate steps are currently underway to develop systemic work to organize consistent legislative work that, while following all relevant procedures, will ensure the desired level of effectiveness of this type of activity, including guaranteeing resilience from changing political conditions. A number of principles must be laid at the heart of this approach. The dynamics of social relations and their individual spheres is not possible without the adoption and implementation of a certain range of legislative acts and norms, so public administration is a phenomenon that has a complex and universal social structure. There is no doubt that governance can be inherent in dynamic systems of social and non-social direction, one of the inherent attributes of which is self-government, in other words the potential ability of the system to be ordered. The management technologies of the state management of physical culture and sports are interconnected and based on fundamental principles, which serve as the methodological basis of this whole process. Scientists play an important role in the development of theoretical foundations, giving a practical basis to their conceptual provisions.


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How to Cite

Нікітенко, С. (2021). MECHANISMS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STATE MANAGEMENT OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS IN UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 70-80.