


e-government, methodology for evaluating the quality of education, evaluation index, online services, assessment, education


The author draws attention to the development of education both in Ukraine and in the countries of the world in the article. It occurs not only due to the acquirers obtaining a level of knowledge, skills, abilities or updating and improving the material and technical base, but also, most importantly, due to its methodological foundations assessment. This approach is noted to be the basis of the activities of educational institutions. The level of implementation of e-government in the public service deserves special attention, in particular online services, which are the main components of management in the public environment. Attention is focused on the fact that the development of the state administration system, which through the application of government functions affects all spheres of society, encourages education to meet the established qualification requirements, provides them with tasks and orders along with funding, provides feedback through technical means, in particular – information – communication technologies, which are also used to train recruiters through automated platforms. The author draws attention to the studying of methodological foundations of evaluation – both of the civil service together with its subordinate institutions, and of educational institutions that are subordinate to state authorities and local self-government. The methodological foundations mentioned in the article were created being based on general methods of scientific research, which are the most common in education management, have a universal character and are tangential to specific subjects and areas of activity. Methods of research and evaluation of the quality of education are used to analyze not only economic objects, but also the educational sector. The author draws attention to the connection between scientific and technological progress and management actions and their impact on the educational sphere. Methodological foundations, which are created on general methods of scientific research, are also fully suitable for assessing the level of technical equipment of state structures that provide relationships with educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Білик, О. О. (2023). METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE EDUCATION EVALUATION AS A COMPONENT OF E-GOVERNMENT. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (5), 3-17.