management of the motivational component, reference person, self-motivation, self-management, self-management, socialization, social adaptation, personality developmentAbstract
The article examines the issue of the motivational component of the socialization process and the need to develop self-motivation skills as an integral part of socialization of the individual, which is impossible without awareness of the need to achieve the desired conditions and results. The psychological regularities of the influence of reference persons and the closest contact environment on the formation of consciousness and self-awareness, the choice of the field of activity for self-realization are described. The problems of socialization and social adaptation in modern conditions are determined, as well as the fact that socialization, as a process of personality formation, begins already from the first years and takes place throughout a person’s life. With the transfer of experience to the next generation, socialization acts not only as intersubjective interaction, but as a component of culture that affects the development of personality, the formation of a generation capable of learning, self-development and self-improvement throughout life. The issue of effective use of SMART technology in the development of personal motivation regarding management and setting achievable goals and objectives is revealed. Technology is not just a tool for recording goals, but a method of their implementation that adds confidence, motivates new achievements, is a component of self-management, self-organization, selfregulation, self-management and goal setting. Attention is focused on the decisive role of personality qualities in management and the effectiveness of socialization. In our opinion, the subject’s socialization can be most successful through the interaction of the individual, the team, and society. Of course, the importance of these subjects in specific conditions is not the same. So, society forms appropriate attitudes, a mentality that has a by no means passive influence on a person, on the psychology of the environment in which this person is, but managing one’s own development provides a resource for the formation of the motivational component of the personality.
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