ефективність політики, політичні рішення, результативність, альтернативне політичне рішення, ризик, невизначеність політичного середовищаAbstract
The scientific article reviews and analyses various scientific approaches to the evaluation of alternative policy decisions in order to determine their effectiveness and efficiency. The main approaches are quantitative, qualitative and combined. It is found that the quantitative approach is based on mathematical methods and statistical analyses, which allows for an objective assessment of alternatives using numerical data. The qualitative approach, on the other hand, focuses on the qualitative aspects and characteristics of decisions, taking into account social aspects and ethics. The combined approach, in turn, combines the advantages of quantitative and qualitative analysis to provide the most objective and complete solution to problems. Specific methods and approaches, such as innovative, strategic, scenario, heuristic, and social analysis, are explored to complement and clarify the main approaches. The importance of criteria in political decision-making is emphasized, taking into account uncertainty, conflicting interests, the influence of emotions and stereotypes. Taking these aspects into account in the process of forming criteria for alternative political decisions contributes to the effectiveness, efficiency and stability of governance. The use of adaptive criteria and risk management, taking into account social justice, sustainable development and innovation, contribute to a more objective and balanced political decision-making in uncertain conditions. The stages of evaluating alternative political solutions in conditions of instability are highlighted. The main stages include: situation analysis, setting goals, identification of alternatives, identification of criteria, evaluation of alternatives, selection of the optimal alternative, review and adjustment. Criteria for evaluating alternative solutions in conditions of instability have been formed.
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