


integrity, prosecutor’s office, standards, public administration, ethics, corruption risks, law enforcement agencies, monitoring, transparency, professional ethics


The article examines the process of implementing standards of integrity in the activities of the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine. The main focus is on the analysis of the legal framework that regulates the observance of ethical norms, as well as on the identification of key challenges and obstacles faced by prosecutorial bodies on the way to ensuring a high level of integrity. The issues of the need to develop and implement a code of ethics for prosecutor’s office employees, which would contain clear rules and principles of conduct, as well as mechanisms of responsibility for violations of ethical norms, are discussed. The importance of training and professional development of prosecutors in matters of ethics and integrity through specialized educational programs, trainings and seminars is emphasized. The article emphasizes the need to create independent control and monitoring bodies empowered to investigate violations of ethical norms and standards of integrity. Mechanisms for the protection of whistleblowers who report violations, which contribute to the detection and elimination of corruption schemes and abuses, are considered. The role of modern information technologies in the automation of control and monitoring processes, which increases the transparency and accountability of the prosecutor’s office, is analyzed separately. The article emphasizes the importance of active participation of society in the processes of reforming and creating an open system of law and order, as well as the need for cooperation with international organizations to study and implement the best global practices. It is noted that the implementation of integrity standards is a multifaceted process that requires coordinated actions at all levels of management and coordination of efforts of various branches of government, public organizations, and international partners. It is only thanks to a systematic approach to solving this problem that it is possible to achieve real changes and ensure a high level of integrity in the activities of the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Васильєв, П. О. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION OF BENEVOLENCE STANDARDS IN THE ACTIVITIES OF PROSECUTOR AUTHORITIES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 17-24.