


innovations, public management and administration, efficiency of public management, analysis of innovation implementation, risks of innovation implementation


The article examines the role of innovations in public management and administration in Ukraine amidst rapid technological development, increasing societal demands, the relevance of combating corruption, and European integration. The main factors determining the need for innovation implementation in the public management and administration sphere are systematized. The relevance of the topic is substantiated based on the current challenges and opportunities facing public management and administration. The primary types of innovations applied in public management and administration in Ukraine are identified, including e-governance, online monitoring of public services, transparency in public procurement, electronic voting systems, blockchain technology, the development of innovative cities and regions, and mass information and education systems on digital skills. A SWOT analysis was conducted for a detailed examination of each type of innovation, allowing for an assessment of their advantages, risks, opportunities, and threats. The necessity of ensuring cybersecurity, developing effective public communication, and maintaining robust technical and organizational protection for the successful implementation of innovations is substantiated. The main barriers to the integration of innovations in public management in Ukraine are identified, including technological, financial, organizational, sociocultural, political, and legislative constraints. Recommendations for the further development of strategies that account for these barriers and opportunities, ensuring the successful implementation of innovations, are formulated. It is determined that the potential of innovations offers numerous advantages for improving efficiency, transparency, and democracy in public administration, hence, a comprehensive approach is necessary to overcome obstacles to the implementation of innovations in public management and administration in Ukraine. It is concluded that the implementation of innovations in public management in Ukraine is crucial for enhancing the efficiency of state governance and meeting contemporary societal demands. Overcoming existing barriers and developing appropriate strategies will ensure the successful integration of innovations, contributing to the creation of a transparent, efficient, and accountable system of public management and administration.


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How to Cite

Скібіна, Т. І. (2024). THE ROLE OF INNOVATION IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 88-95.