economic colonization, terrorism, economic war, economic diplomacy, state policyAbstract
The article examines the interrelationship of the state policy of war, terrorism and colonialism. War as an instrument of state policy, terrorism as a method of confrontation, and colonialism as a historical and contemporary reality continue to shape the global agenda and security challenges. State policy of war includes decisions and actions of governments aimed at conducting military conflicts. War can be caused by various factors: territorial claims, economic interests, ethnic and religious conflicts, as well as the struggle for political influence. Modern wars often have a hybrid nature, combining traditional military actions with information attacks, cyber attacks and other methods of asymmetric warfare. Terrorism remains one of the main threats to modern society. Terrorist organizations use violence and intimidation to achieve their political, religious or ideological goals. Terrorism is often transnational in nature, which makes it difficult to fight it at the national level. States are forced to develop comprehensive counterterrorism strategies that include not only military measures, but also intelligence, diplomacy, economic sanctions, and socio-economic reforms. Colonialism, as a historical process of capture and exploitation by one state of the territories and peoples of other states, left a deep mark in world history. The consequences of colonialism are still felt today, manifested in the form of economic inequality, political instability and social conflicts in former colonies. In addition, neocolonialism – modern forms of economic and political influence of stronger states over weaker ones – continues to exist, contributing to uneven development and dependency. The politics of war, terrorism and colonialism are often intertwined. Military conflicts can create conditions for the development of terrorism, especially in conditions of weak state power and social instability. At the same time, terrorism can be used as a tool of struggle against colonial or neo-colonial rule. Colonial legacies often underlie modern conflicts, creating the conditions for violence and terrorism. Understanding the relationship between public policies of war, the challenges of terrorism, and issues of colonialism is key to developing effective strategies for international security and stability. Only a comprehensive approach, including military, political, economic and social measures, can provide a sustainable solution to these problems.
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