


security, national security, state, state security, society


At the current stage of development, Ukraine is faced with complex issues related to serious challenges to its sovereignty, which makes the issue of national security extremely urgent. The challenges of the past years only confirm the need to conduct a timely analysis of threats and to carry out a qualitative assessment of the state of national security. For Ukraine, such a process is extremely important in the context of increasing constant challenges from the neighboring aggressor country. In the conditions of military aggression, geopolitical changes and internal reforms, national security becomes not only a guarantor of sovereignty, but also a foundation for the stable development of society. Awareness of the real state of security allows the state not only to effectively respond to current threats, but also to strategically plan the future, ensuring the protection of national interests and citizens. Thus, the assessment of national security is a key element in ensuring the stability and development of Ukraine in the international arena. The importance of such an assessment lies in the essence of national security and consists, in our opinion, in the creation of favorable conditions for the realization of national interests, which ensure the prosperity, power and comprehensive development of Ukraine for the maximum satisfaction of the needs and interests of the representatives of the Ukrainian nation in accordance with the generally recognized norms of coexistence. This is due to the fact that in the modern world, society's security is determined not only by protection against military threats, but also by the ability to effectively respond to manifestations of cybercrime, information attacks, economic crises, environmental disasters, and social conflicts. National security, first of all, must ensure public security, which also includes the preservation of democratic values, human rights and civil liberties, ensuring justice and equal access to resources. That is why, in the conditions of globalization and interdependence of states, the security of society acquires a new meaning, since local problems can have global consequences. Therefore, not only the internal stability of society is important, but also international cooperation and integration into the global security system.


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How to Cite

Кучменко, В. О., & Тишкул, Я. А. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF THE CURRENT STATE OF NATIONAL SECURITY OF UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (4), 41-50.