


public administration, mechanisms of public administration, security, energy security, global energy security, energy, fuel and energy complex, strategy, energy strategy, state policy, energy policy


Every highly developed country, in its overarching vision of prosperity, focuses on its own strategic plans for various sectors and directions. The energy sector is no exception and occupies a key position as it is essential for the full functioning of hierarchical economic systems, which are closely linked to the functional state system of public administration. Accordingly, this article aims to reveal and thoroughly explore the conceptual foundations of modern strategy in the global energy security sphere in the context of strengthening and developing Ukraine's energy independence. The article investigates the theoretical aspects of energy strategy and delves into the concept of «Ukraine's Post-War Energy Development Strategy». This strategic document is designed to achieve Ukraine's energy independence. It is developed based on the principles of energy efficiency, energy conservation, and decarbonization, taking into account realistic projections of the country's energy balance and is calculated for a 30-40 year implementation period. The main strategic goal is the transformation and modernization of outdated energy types, and the development, in close scientific cooperation, of new generations of autonomous renewable and nuclear energy sources, as well as the nuclear industry. One part of the article is dedicated to the evolution and development of Ukraine's energy strategy as a fundamental tool for implementing government policy in the fuel and energy complex of Ukrainian public authorities. In the context of international energy security, the article examines the modern foreign practices of strategy development in the EU. The research highlights that the key elements of the energy system development paradigm in the context of contemporary global energy security strategy should include: resources required for achievement, timeframe for implementation, tasks and benchmarks for achieving tactical goals, and the ultimate overall goal of development. The research concludes by providing a theoretical foundation for the formulation and outline of Ukraine's post-war energy security development strategy. It emphasizes that the primary focus of the developed comprehensive management mechanisms by public authorities, energy management companies, and domestic scientists in the post-war period of Ukraine's energy system recovery should be the development of a strategic document for the progressive development of Ukraine's energy sector. This document should be based on a mechanism for introducing new generations of advanced energy generation technologies with the aim of positioning Ukraine's energy independence within the framework of modern global energy security.


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How to Cite

Салюк-Кравченко, О. О. (2024). CONCEPTUAL PROVISION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE’S ENERGY INDEPENDENCE IN THE MODERN STRATEGY OF GLOBAL SECURITY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (4), 31-44.