sustainable development, territorial communities, Sustainable Development Goals, monitoring, mechanisms, sustainabilityAbstract
The article identifies and analyzes ways to improve the mechanisms of coordination and monitoring of sustainable development processes at the level of territorial communities. In the context of decentralization of management and integration of Ukraine into the global economic and environmental space, the issue of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals becomes particularly relevant. Territorial communities, as basic administrative-territorial units, play a key role in the implementation of sustainable development strategies, but their ability to ensure the effective implementation of this concept remains limited due to shortcomings in coordination, insufficient integration of strategic plans with state policies, and an underdeveloped monitoring system. The need to form a comprehensive mechanism that provides for the integration of horizontal and vertical coordination of state regional policy, sectoral strategies, and local development programs is substantiated. Approaches to ensuring effective strategic planning are proposed, in particular, the development of unified criteria for assessing the social, economic, and environmental impacts of management decisions at the local level. The importance of disaggregating monitoring data by territorial communities is proven, which will allow for more clear tracking of progress in the implementation of sustainable development objectives. Particular attention is paid to the use of innovative technologies for monitoring and assessing sustainable development. The introduction of geographic information systems and digital platforms allows territorial communities to increase the accuracy of planning, expand access to relevant information and involve a wider range of stakeholders. The possibilities of cooperation between communities, as well as with other regional and national entities, are considered in order to create synergy in achieving the SDGs. The role of local governments in the formation of sustainable development strategies that take into account the priorities of the community and ensure the participation of its residents in the planning and decision-making processes is also highlighted. Key areas for improving the monitoring system are proposed, including: legislative regulation of data collection, introduction of methods for assessing the impact of management decisions, creation of training programs for public servants. Approaches are described that will contribute to increasing the efficiency of public administration at the level of territorial communities, reducing the gap between strategic planning and its practical implementation, as well as achieving a balance between economic development, social justice and environmental preservation.
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