public governance, higher education, public governance mechanisms, higher education governance, public administration, European Union, European model, education quality, integration, digitalizationAbstract
The article examines the European model of public governance in the higher education system under modern conditions. The European model, which combines the national strategies of EU member states with pan-European initiatives, has been analyzed. Key trends in the development of higher education in the EU, including digitalization, internationalization, inclusiveness, and labor market integration, are considered. It has been established that the decision-making process in the European Union regarding higher education is complex and multilayered, involving various institutions, governmental bodies, and stakeholders. The principles of decision-making in higher education governance, such as subsidiarity, complementarity, openness, and transparency, are analyzed. The stages of decision-making by EU institutions in the higher education sector are highlighted, including initiation, consultation, decision-making, and implementation. The role of key EU institutions, such as the European Commission, ENQA, and others involved in the decision-making process in higher education, has been studied. Regulatory documents governing the activities of the higher education system, including the "Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area" (ESG) and other strategic acts, are highlighted. The main areas where the EU makes decisions regarding higher education include quality assurance, financing, research and innovation, social inclusion, and digital transformation. Key directions shaping the current state and prospects of higher education in the EU are identified, such as enhancing academic mobility, improving quality assurance mechanisms, and introducing innovative technologies.
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