logistics, logistics approach, financial logistics, financial flow, financial flow management, business finance, corporate finance, financial markets, management decisionsAbstract
The article is devoted to the current aspects of managerial transformations in business, which are determined by the strategic orientation to adapt to the rapid changes in the market environment. The main attention is focused on the development of a modern management system, which includes the implementation of technologies for transparency of financial transactions, the use of big data for risk assessment and forecasting, the integration of environmental standards and the creation of adaptive management models. An important role is played by the logistical approach to financial flow management, which combines system analysis with innovative technologies for optimizing management processes. The article considers the principles, methods and features of logistics management, which ensure the efficiency of financial flows through the harmonization of internal and external processes. The underestimation of financial logistics in Ukrainian research is analyzed and its importance for achieving long-term financial stability and business competitiveness is emphasized. The need to integrate the logistical approach with modern digital technologies, such as ERP systems and big data, to increase the transparency and efficiency of management decisions is noted. The main task of financial logistics is emphasized as the effective management of financial flows in order to maximize the value of the business, using financial forecasting, planning, budgeting and analysis of activities, highly effective financial instruments aimed at ensuring maximum profit from operations in financial markets, liquidity and solvency management, management of financial leasing processes, formation of financial resources and development of investment programs. Prospects for further research are proposed, including the development of adaptive models of financial flow management, assessment of the effectiveness of financial logistics and the introduction of environmental standards in financial management. The article confirms the significance of the logistics approach as a tool that contributes to the achievement of strategic business goals, its adaptation and sustainable development in the context of globalization.
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