


social institution, social norms, social organizations, cultural institution, cultural policy, cultural heritage, socio-cultural institution, political institution, institutional relevance


The article examines the formation of human behavior in the context of social institutions and the institutional approach. Social institutions are defined as stable organizations that regulate social life through norms, roles, and values, contributing to social order and the satisfaction of basic needs. The institutional approach emphasizes their fundamental role in the stability of society and adaptation to the challenges of globalization, technological innovations and crises. Special attention is paid to the interaction of social, cultural, socio-cultural and ideological institutions. Social institutions cover all aspects of social life, while socio-cultural, cultural and ideological institutions have a narrower focus. Socio-cultural institutions combine cultural and social elements, ensuring the transmission of heritage, preservation of traditions and development of art. Cultural institutions, such as museums, theaters, and libraries, are aimed at preserving and disseminating cultural values. Institutions of ideology shape public opinion and maintain the political order through ideological norms that influence behavior and worldview. Crises of trust, irrelevance and ineffectiveness of modern institutions caused by top-down reforms or uncritical copying of foreign experience are challenges for transitional and traditional societies. The article emphasizes the need to bring Ukraine's current social institutions in line with modern social norms and needs, opportunities, rather than with European social institutions that were formed in completely different political, social, economic, cultural, spiritual and mental conditions and to solve other problems of other societies and other states. The differences between the types of institutions are analyzed by the criteria of the scope of activity, functions and instruments of influence. The author emphasizes that social institutions are key to the integration of society, the transmission of values between generations, and ensuring political and sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Шпекторенко, І. В. (2024). INSTITUTIONS: SOCIAL, CULTURAL, SOCIO-CULTURAL, IDEOLOGICAL, POLITICAL: TO THE PROBLEM OF MUTUAL INFLUENCES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (6), 77-84.