



educational policy, humanitarian sphere, transformation, states, system, cooperation, strategy, development, European Union


The European Union’s education policy considers its tasks in the field of education to support Member States’ activities in developing the European dimension of education, promoting student and teacher exchanges by encouraging academic recognition of diplomas and teaching time, promoting cooperation between educational institutions, exchanging information and experience distance education. However, action at EU level does not provide for the harmonization of the legal provisions of the Member States, cooperation in the field of education with third countries and international organizations, in particular with the Council of Europe. Although the process of unification of all European Union norms is not yet complete, it can be considered unlikely that the Union, despite previous discussions and proposals from some circles, will be given more powers in areas such as education or culture than current regulations. These directives are based on the mutual recognition of diplomas and professional qualifications applicable to nationals of the Member States of the Community and of diplomas awarded in the Member States. However, the directives concern the recognition of professional qualifications, which in the European Union is seen as a separate issue from academic recognition, which is the responsibility of the higher education institutions of the Member States. There is some convergence of education curricula with regulated professions, as well as the possibility of compensation in the absence of such convergence, which, combined with the small number of professions covered by the directive, has relatively little impact on all European higher education. It should be noted that academic education in regulated professions traditionally deviates from generally applicable models, it can be assumed that community bodies have very limited powers in the field of education. In matters relating to training, the powers of the Community are greater, as it is directly linked to the free movement of workers and the principle of non-discrimination. However, they are not more likely for the same cultural, financial and political reasons that the Community institutions are very careful about interfering in education. The European Union has been trying, in particular in recent years, to formulate common goals for education in the Member States. Recommendations and communications provide an analysis of the current situation and threats, as well as offer solutions, often in the form of action plans, that should lead to the implementation of specific tasks in the foreseeable future. This strategy is political in nature and has no legal force, but they determine the direction of economic and social reforms. The growing competitiveness of the world’s most developed economies, as well as the growing structural barriers in the European Union that hinder rapid and harmonious economic growth and unemployment, have sparked a debate about the need to reform the Union’s social and economic system. The strategy to achieve this goal includes broad reforms focusing on innovation, market liberalization, entrepreneurship and social cohesion.


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How to Cite

Базиляк, Н. О. (2022). FEATURES OF THE FORMATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL POLICY IN THE HUMANITARIAN SPHERE ON THE STRATEGY OF INNOVATION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 10-16. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2022.2.2