


personnel potential formation, Armed Forces, servicemen, training, advanced training, career growth, material encouragement


The article analyzes the experience of formation and development of human resources in the United States. In the United States, the formation of the armed forces is carried out only on a voluntary basis, which affects the motivation of personnel and their conscious choice of profession. At the same time, the training of personnel in the armed forces is a complex system that involves financial support and independent choice of military career. Staffing the armed forces with highly professional specialists and especially officers is one of the key tasks of the state’s development. There is competition between military and civilian schools that train the future capabilities of the US military. Officers of all U.S. military administrations receive higher military training at a military college or joint military academy. At the same time, military training in civilian universities is seen not only as a supplement, but as an alternative to military academies, as opposed to elite military education, which creates a military aristocracy. Students who want to build a military career have certain social security, in particular, students are provided with a monthly stipend, the amount of which is determined by the command of nonmilitary training of the armed forces for the school. At the same time, students enrolling in military courses sign a contract under which they undertake to serve a certain period in the reserve or regular US military. An important role in the development of US military personnel belongs to moral and psychological training, which includes: awareness of the importance of the role of the armed forces in the national security of their country, patriotic education, service to society, loyalty and loyalty, devotion, discipline, always be ready to performance of combat missions, interaction and mutual assistance, constant maintenance of the image of a decent person, political non-interference. An important role in the activities of the armed forces belongs to the social and material security of servicemen and members of their families.


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How to Cite

Біліченко, В. М. (2022). THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF FORMATION OF PERSONNEL POTENTIAL OF THE ARMED FORCES IN THE USA. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 17-24.