


agrarian policy, agrarian sector, state regulation, food security, agricultural production, food policy, agribusiness regulation


The article examines the peculiarities of the implementation of the agrarian policy of the state in modern conditions. The main features and directions of implementation of agrarian policy are substantiated. The opinion is expressed that the regulation of the agricultural sector remains one of the important directions of the economic policy of the state not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries of the world. Definitions of the essence of agrarian policy by various scientists are studied. Today, in connection with the intensification of market competition and the conditions of the progressive crisis, the optimal form of development and preservation of the domestic agricultural complex is the strengthening of integration. The agro-industrial complex is a set of different types of production activities that complement each other and are focused on the production of the final product from agricultural raw materials. In the process of agro-industrial integration, there is a strengthening of production, organizational and technological connections of the agricultural sector with production and the sphere of services, the result of which is the formation of complexes of different economic levels. The author concludes that the socio-economic and political conditions that have developed in recent years encourage the formation and effective implementation of agrarian policy in Ukraine. The regional agricultural development policy shows low efficiency and inability to adequately respond to the challenges of modern crisis phenomena, which increases the importance of new theoretical scientific approaches to the formation and implementation of innovative mechanisms for the development of agriculture in Ukraine and the outline of directions for the implementation of scientific recommendations into practical reality. The new state agrarian policy should provide for the growth of the population’s well-being based on the improvement of the economic, social and environmental condition of the agrarian industry.


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How to Cite

Динник, І. П. (2022). AGRARIAN POLICY OF THE STATE: SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES AND PECULIARITIES OF IMPLEMENTATION IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 53-57.