territorial community, communication, public, forms of direct democracy, competence, gender aspectsAbstract
The article examines the communicative strategy of the territorial community as a tool for involving citizens in local processes. The authors used competence and gender approaches for analysis. The article presents the results of an expert assessment of the implementation of communication policy in territorial communities. Expert assessment was conducted by analyzing official websites and communication strategies; development strategies were studied. The authors of the article clarified a number of questions. Is the communication strategy a gender sensitive document? Does the communication strategy contribute to the maximum involvement of all citizens in local processes? Does the communication strategy contribute to solving existing problems? The authors researched communication for compliance with basic principles. The article analyzes communication in fifteen territorial communities. Shortcomings of the official websites of territorial communities regarding the performance of the communicative function were identified. Forms of direct democracy are widely established. Attention to public consultations is emphasized. The communication strategy is an information and communication guide for the implementation of the Territory Community’s Development Strategy. The constituent elements of the communicative strategy are analysed. Examples of strategic and operational goals, effective indicators of communication strategy implementation are given. Performance indicators for their gender sensitivity were investigated. The authors focused attention on the complexity of evaluating communication from the point of view of effectiveness and efficiency. Suggestions for improving the content part of communication strategies are provided. A communicative strategy should be an effective tool for establishing effective communication between public authorities and the population. Communication would unite all settlements that are part of the territorial community. During establishing communication the needs and interests of all residents must be taken into account.
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Про публічні консультації : законопроєкт від 15.02.2022 р. № 2035-IX.