mission command, delegation of authority, commandersAbstract
The article examines the elements of decentralized command based on the principles and standards of the armies of NATO states. The concept of decentralization of the decisionmaking process, which encourages subordinate commanders to be proactive, is revealed. An analysis of research and publications was carried out, which highlighted key problematic issues regarding the reform of the management system, the ratio of centralized and decentralized command, implementation with the aim of gaining interoperability with NATO in the field of military command. In this article, we continued to analyze the results of implementation in the command of divisions according to the defined strategic goals. An analysis of the command and control approach based on the Army’s view that war is inherently chaotic and uncertain. Based on the experience of the commanders who, from the first days of the war with the russian federation, participated in the conduct of hostilities on the territory of our country, it was determined that the principle of decentralized command of units gave our units an advantage during operations for the defense of our country. Subordinate commanders often had a better understanding of what was happening on the front line with the enemy and responded more quickly and effectively to a change in the tactical situation. As a rule, they quickly made decisions and acted on the basis of changes in the situation that were not taken into account in previous orders to achieve the assigned combat task. An analysis of the application of the principle of decentralization by unit commanders during hostilities on the territory of our country, the procedure for decision-making by commanders, was carried out. On the basis of combat experience, the factors influencing the degree of control of senior commanders over junior commanders have been determined, and a model for determining the degree of management over subordinates has been proposed. The main directions of further research and the prospects for the implementation of decentralized command in NGU divisions are determined.
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