


identification, interested parties, project cycle management, problem tree, logicalstructural matrix, logical-structural approach.


The article addresses a mechanism of project cycle management in the public domain. It outlines major processes and a set of tools for project identification, including the analysis of interested parties, analysis of problems, analysis of objectives, analysis of strategies, and preparation of a logical-structural matrix. The relationship between all the public domain groups in the project management process is demonstrated. The major elements and structure of the logical-structural matrix are identified. The main components of the objective tree and the problem tree in the project cycle are specified. Management activity and decision-making process during one of the project cycles that secures its implementation are described. The article provides an analysis of all public domain groups, individuals, organizations, and companies that can be directly or indirectly related to the project and have a positive or negative impact on the project process and results. The advantages of the problem tree are outlined, and the methodological approach of the object tree used in a situation in the future when the detected problems are already solved is described. The logical-structural approach as the analytical process that comprises the analysis of interested parties, analysis of problems, analysis of objectives, analysis of strategies and a logical-structural matrix that secures further analysis of objectives, the ways to achieve them, and prospective risks and simultaneously is the product of this analytical process are compared. The advantages of the objective tree are named, the questions and arguments at each stage of the project implementation are determined, the fact whether additional information, proof, or resources are needed to make a good deal or construct a convincing decision is revealed, current rather than obvious, future, or past problems are addressed and identified, common understanding, objective, and actions during the project implementation are offered. The article shows the mechanism of strategy analysis that includes the following efficiency elements: detection of various goals achievement strategies, selection of the most suitable strategy, and definition of main general or specific objectives. The indicators, means, assumptions, and sources of verification of the logical-structural matrix ar e suggested.


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How to Cite

Цісінська, О. Б. (2023). IDENTIFICATION AS A MECHANISM OF PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (5), 52-59.