



information policy, psychological operations, ethical aspects, public administration, reflexive control


In the article, the authors draw attention to the importance of implementing a rational, active and, at the same time, scientifically substantiated information policy in the condition of belligerence. The authors put special emphasis on the problems of observing human rights in the circumstances of destructive informational impact. Using the results of sociological surveys conducted by leading sociological companies, the authors prove the effectiveness of informational influences on citizens, which reveals itself though indicators of the dynamics of public opinion. In the article, the authors try to solve the dilemma between the moral-legal status of the state’s actions during the implementation of information policy and the security needs of the state and its citizens. When carrying out the research, the authors use a systematic approach, which allows to take into account moral-ethical, legal, managerial and, ultimately, psychological-emotional aspects of the implementing the state information policy under wartime conditions. The article reviews recent examples of information and psychological operations that took place during the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine since 2014 and the full-scale war since 2022. The analysis of the efficiency of operations and their acceptability from the point of view of legal and normative regulation was carried out. Possible approaches to evaluating the humanitarian aspect of information campaigns are examined separately. The paper provides the classification of information measures and draws a distinction between “offensive” and “defensive”, “tactical” and “strategic” information operations, in particular. Some attention is paid to the comparison of certain aspects of domestic and foreign state information policy in the conditions of war. The proposals to increase the efficiency of information operations within the framework of ethical restrictions established by international law are clearly formulated. The paper argues that one of the most humane means of implementing the state information policy during wartime is to take protective preventive measures aimed at the growth and strengthening of patriotic sentiments in society.


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How to Cite

Мельниченко, А. А., & Варжанський, І. В. (2023). CERTAIN ASPECTS OF THE STATE INFORMATION POLICY UNDER THE CONDITION OF BELLIGERENCE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (6), 3-16. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2022.6.1