



public management and administration, authorities, health care, providers of medical services, producers of medical services.


The article examines the current stage of the formation of the health care system in Ukraine, which is characterized by the specifics of economic relations in crisis conditions. As a result, the policy in the field of health care carried out by the state affects such basic provisions as: property relations; funding sources; mechanisms for stimulating producers and consumers; quality control. Health care allows differentiation of types of health care systems based on various characteristics. In connection with the dominant influence in the development of the social sphere in general, political and public factors, it was this that formed the basis of the differentiation of health care systems and became the most widespread development of theoretical approaches and practical methods. As a result, health care systems can be classified according to the following types: classic; socialist; national; pluralistic; insurance In addition to political and social influence, other factors affect the health care system. Identifying the essence of health care systems made it possible to distinguish the following types: utilitarian; communal; liberal The differentiation of health care systems based on the principle of legal relations between the provider of medical services and its consumer is proposed. In addition, the dominance of certain environmental factors made it possible to classify the health care system as follows: state; insurance; market (private). It was determined that the role of the state in the formation of the human health care system influenced the allocation of the following types of health care systems: universalist; social insurance; “Southern model”, where the financing of the health care system is carried out largely at the expense of funds related to employment; institutional or socialdemocratic "Scandinavian model" (Sweden, Denmark, Finland), where health care is financed mostly through income tax (collected both at the national and local levels), and the amount of assistance paid directly depends on earnings; The continental model (Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Belgium), where financing is carried out with the help of deductions from the wage fund and from special state funds, which make up approximately ¾ of the total health care costs; Predominantly a private model (USA), where health care financing is carried out at the expense of private and, to a much lesser extent, public sources, and the provision of medical care is provided by private producers of medical services.


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How to Cite

Шалько, М. Н. (2023). FEATURES OF THE TYPOLOGY OF THE STATE MANAGEMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (4), 25-30. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-pub.2023.4.4