


public management and administration, patient’s quality of life, health care, medical assistance, criteria for evaluating the quality of medical services


The article examines the special role played by the doctor in shaping the patient’s quality of life when he takes this element into account when choosing or changing the treatment regimen. Obviously, doctors prefer treatment that will prolong patients’ lives and reduce the likelihood of complications (for example, a heart attack or stroke). However, more and more attention is being paid to what changes the treatment process towards the daily improvement of the patient’s condition (pain reduction, the ability to take an active part in social and family life). There are cases when modern treatment methods are necessary to save a patient’s life, but they can interfere with his daily activities and carry certain limitations. This problem concerns chronic diseases, in which the achievement of the final effect is considered to give the patient a chance for normal life. Assessment of the quality of life depends on the effect of using different methods of its analysis. The main difference is who forms this assessment: patients, doctors or representatives of the Ministry of Health. For the patient, the quality of the medical service depends on the qualifications of the medical staff and the conditions under which they are provided. The atmosphere in which the treatment process is carried out and the return to a normal way of life is important for the patient. Concluding a brief analysis of the criteria for ensuring the quality of medical care, it should be emphasized that the basis of their definition is the standard, i.e. and the model, the standard that every medical organization and the entire health care system in general should strive to achieve. The proposed norms, called “minimum standards”, regulated the issue of providing timely assistance in the medical organization. They provided for the following: doctors and other medical personnel should create an appropriate team; in order to obtain the right to carry out professional activities, doctors must have a medical education, be decent and highly moral people; staff are required to keep medical records; meetings of the medical staff should be held at least once a month to analyze the medical documentation; the medical organization must have the necessary specialized technical equipment, as well as diagnostic and therapeutic laboratories. The existence of such organizations allows to create standards and monitor their compliance, develop criteria for evaluating the quality of medical services, which contributes to its constant improvement.


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How to Cite

Шалько, М. Н. (2023). STATE REGULATION OF THE MEDICAL CARE QUALITY ASSESSMENT MECHANISM. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (5), 51-56.