society, foreign experience, state social and humanitarian policy, health care, medical and legal regulationAbstract
The article defines that the right to health protection is one of the basic human rights and is widely recognized by the international community, as evidenced by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, also known as the Convention on Human Rights, which provides a number of guarantees regarding the right for health care. Institutions created by an authorized state body in the field of health care usually aim to provide basic medical services to the population. State health care organizations, which are created by other state management bodies and departments, can perform specialized functions in accordance with the tasks of their main organizations. It was found that currently there are many different institutions, mechanisms and their combinations used in the countries of the world community. There are many indicators for monitoring development, but there is no integral indicator for assessing the improvement of the quality of life. Today, one of the most effective ways is an economic analysis, which involves comparing the financial costs of protecting and strengthening the health of the population with the level of social losses of society from morbidity and mortality as an indicator of the loss of health for settlements. However, from the point of view of effectiveness, it is customary to consider the health care system according to such indicators as life expectancy, mortality, morbidity and quality of life. It is substantiated that the effectiveness of the health care system is not necessarily accompanied by its high efficiency. Countries with high indicators may have high costs, in others, with sufficient funding, the life expectancy of the population does not meet the optimal level. Medical well-being ensures the protection of life and physical well-being of every person. In addition, the Convention guarantees the protection of medical confidentiality, which means that information obtained by a doctor in the process of providing medical care must be strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed without the patient’s consent. It has been proven that the general norms contained in the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms represent an important regulatory structure for ensuring the right to health care in the countries participating in the Convention. It should be noted that the system of health care bodies in the state is classified according to various parameters, including the form of ownership and departmental affiliation. Each of the types of health care organizations has its own characteristics and functions related to the provision of health care at different levels.
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