
  • V. M. Shcherbak



institutional capacity, public governance, transnational cooperation, publicpublic cooperation, public-private interaction, project management, crisis management


The considered institutional capacity is one of the determining criteria of the effectiveness and efficiency of the public governance system. The interaction of institutions of public power and local self-government in the framework of coordination and organization of transregional cooperation in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war is being studied. The specificity of cross-border and transregional cooperation, which requires the elimination of significant obstacles to the optimization of management actions, is revealed. The features of vertical integration of public governance are established, which indicates the systemic nature of relations within the system of public governance. The guiding documents of foreign countries, which directly require the development of institutional capacity, are analyzed. The purpose of the article is to establish the importance of the institutional capacity of public governance in the context of the priorities of transregional cooperation. The article uses classical methods of public administration sciences (comparative and structural-functional) and common general scientific methods (inductive, hypothetical-deductive). Autonomous management activity in various sectors of interregional cooperation, which reflects the desire of government officials to implement projects within the framework of the simultaneous solution of many tasks, is being studied. The factors of correcting the experience and practices of interregional cooperation are clarified. The content of the perspective of partnership interaction of different regions and cross-border cooperation, which require an unambiguous assessment of the results of cooperation and their goals, is revealed. It has been established that the institutional capacity of public governance is extremely necessary in the conditions of technological innovation. Cases of the development of specific modern regions are studied, which testify that the regional partnership is increasingly separated from the national agenda. Factors of institutionalization of regional cooperation are identified, which serve as a powerful means of bringing interstate relations to a new level. It has been proven that in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the importance of publicprivate and public-public cooperation is increasing, which allowed to significantly increase the efficiency of decision-making regarding the implementation of the volunteer aid program and other international public projects.


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How to Cite

Щербак, В. М. (2023). TRANSREGIONAL COOPERATION AS A FACTOR OF INCREASING THE INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (6), 111-118.