


clinical studies, clinical studies management, risk management, regulation of clinical studies, regulatory mechanisms, regulatory system, good clinical practice, healthcare system, healthcare services, healthcare organizations, healthcare institutions, population health


In the article, the authors focus on the critical importance of legal regulation and ethical norms in conducting clinical studies, particularly in the context of the protracted armed conflict currently occurring in Ukraine. Both international and national legislative frameworks were thoroughly examined, including Good Clinical Practice regulations, the Helsinki Declaration, and significant legislative acts of Ukraine regulating clinical studies. The importance of these documents in establishing standards for the ethical conduct of clinical studies and the protection of rights of participants is highlighted. Additionally, the article identifies the need to further address issues related to research insurance, criminal liability for violations of regulations in clinical studies conduct, and the regulation of customs and tax procedures. The authors emphasize the necessity of developing and adapting clinical trial management strategies in Ukraine, especially under martial law conditions, drawing on the example of Israel. The rapid development of medical technologies, the active role of medical professionals and patients in research, and the importance of education and training of medical personnel in ensuring the efficacy and accessibility of clinical trials are noted as key elements. In conclusion, the article underscores the importance of careful planning and adaptation of strategies to engage patients in clinical trials, particularly in times of war. Practical recommendations for governments are proposed to optimize patient participation while ensuring compliance with ethical norms and high research standards. Special attention is given to the role of public administration in facilitating patient participation in clinical trials during war, which is identified as a key aspect for the effective implementation of these studies in extraordinary circumstances.


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How to Cite

Юрочко, Т. П., Шевченко, М. В., Мальцева, К. С., & Парастивюк, Є. М. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF STATE REGULATION OF PATIENT PARTICIPATION IN CLINICAL TRIALS DURING THE WAR IN UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (6), 119-126.