


Public-private partnership, critical infrastructure, advanced professional training, personnel training system, critical infrastructure protection


Globalization and rapid changes in the environment require to seek new methods and ways of partnership not only between national economies at the macro level, but also between participants in market relations within the state – at the micro level. One of such ways of cooperation is the development of public-private partnership. In the context of digital world and information technology development, special focus is made on issues related to professional training of IT specialists, including critical infrastructure protection specialists. External and internal threats in the security environment of Ukraine make it relevant to increase the level of professional competence of specialists who, under the conditions of countering the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, are involved in identifying, preventing and neutralizing critical infrastructure security threats, as well as minimizing and eliminating the consequences if such threats materialize. In the context of educational reforms in all spheres of activity of Ukrainian society, cooperation between the state and the private sector by way of developing an effective system of personnel training and increasing the competence of critical infrastructure protection specialists is getting especially relevant and requires particular attention. The article studies the methodological principles of how public-private partnership evolves in the area of critical infrastructure protection, analyzes the regulatory basis for evolving of public-private partnership in the specified area, provides examples of foreign experience of how to develop public-private partnership, and proposes a way of implementing public-private partnership in critical infrastructure protection, which is aimed at further development of publicprivate partnership, introduction of new information and educational technologies, use of forward-looking ways of education and active teaching methods, as well as modern teaching and methodical materials, which in aggregate form the basis for comprehensive human development and well-being of the population as a whole.


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How to Cite

Арсенович, Л. А. (2024). INTRODUCING A WAY OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IMPLEMENTATION IN CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 3-16.