


lecturers, acquirers of higher education, foreign languages, psychological peculiarities, public administration and law


The article is analyzed psychological peculiarities of higher education acquirers in the field of public administration and law, it is characterized nuances of psychological processes of acquirers of higher education and actions of lecturer in this context, it is offered models of pedagogical interaction between lecturers at higher educational institutions and studying youth, choice of affective means with the aim of mastering foreign languages. Using the experience of Ukrainian scientists the author tries to show the benefit from practical usage of inductive, deductive and translational methods in the process of sessions of foreign languages in the system lecturer of higher educational institution – students. The author confirms the priority of systematic, sequential actions. Taking into consideration this fact, it will give further impulse to organize creative work of acquirers of higher education. Thanks to thoughtful actions it is quite possible to master the level of knowledge of language, speech, social-cultural and general educational (strategic) competences. Big continuous experience of work at different higher educational institutions of Ukraine permits author to stress that the priority approaches for a lecturer are taking into account the process of thinking, speaking, reading, writing among higher education acquirers. The author emphasizes the peculiarity of psychics among 17–18 years old young men and young women, points out that actualization of teaching-cognitive activity leads to the concrete practical actions, broadens the circle of knowledge about the subject of research. Besides, psychological mood creates preconditions for the development of individuality and his/ her self-realization. The author thinks that the further development of such factors as memory, imagination, perception, and also motivation can provide the growth of level of knowledge, skills and habits in the field of foreign languages. The author stresses the importance of contemporary authentic textbooks and avoiding bulling and forming of friendly collective of like-minded people – future managers and lawyers.


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How to Cite

Несін, Ю. М. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF STUDENTS – FUTURE MANAGERS AND LAWYERS WHILE STUDYING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 34-40.