


public administration, principles of public administration, law-making, sphere of law-making


The article examines the principles of public administration in the sphere of law-making as a component of the process of making and implementing managerial decisions. It is emphasized that the lack of proper guiding principles in this area can lead to serious negative consequences and the inconsistency of national norms with international standards. The importance of lawmaking is characterized as a factor for the qualitative implementation of managerial functions, the building of a legal state, and a democratic society. The work highlights that law-making is aimed at creating, amending, and terminating legal norms to regulate social relations. This activity has a legal and public-administrative nature. Its connection with public administration is manifested through the law-making activities of public authorities. This dual nature of law-making shapes the peculiarities of the principles of public administration in the law-making sphere. The article defines the functions of law-making and its features. The concept of public administration in law-making is also defined in the work. It is understood as the formally defined influence of authorized public authorities on the state and development of lawmaking to effectively regulate social relations. Attention is drawn to the fact that the Law of Ukraine “On Law-Making” contains a list of principles of law-making. However, the legislation does not disclose the essence of the concept of “principle of law-making”, and the science of public administration does not define the concept of “principles of public administration in the field of law-making”. Based on the analysis of normative acts, scientific and reference sources, the article formulates the author’s concept of the principles of public administration in the sphere of law-making. It is noted that the principles of public administration in the sphere of law-making are a necessary step for building a legal state and a democratic society.


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How to Cite

Новікова, М. М. (2024). PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE SPHERE OF LAW-MAKING: CONCEPT AND CONTENT. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 51-55.