


instrument of public administration, administrative and legal protection, administrative supervision, administrative control, legislation, public relations, administrative and legal protection, public administration, administrative and legal relations, public administration


Based on the opinions of scholars in the field of administrative law, modern theoretical provisions of administrative legislation and law, the article examines control and supervision in public administration and their features. The author has carried out a comprehensive and integrated study of theoretical and practical aspects, developed proposals and recommendations for improving the state policy in the field of control and supervision in public administration. The author notes that control as a tool of public administration is a type of activity of public administration, which consists in active actions to check and record how the controlled object of public administration performs the tasks assigned to it and implements its functions, defined by the norms of administrative law. Administrative supervision, as compared to control, is a narrower type of public administration. The peculiarity of supervision is that it aims not only to prevent offenses, but also to apply administrative coercive measures, including administrative liability, in case of detection of violations of administrative and legal rules in a certain area by the relevant inspectorates or services. Administrative supervision is a special type of public activity carried out by special executive authorities in relation to organizationally independent enterprises, institutions, organizations, officials and citizens in connection with their compliance with special cross-sectoral norms, rules and requirements, using a set of administrative means of influence to prevent, detect and stop offenses, restore established legal relations and bring perpetrators to justice. The author also emphasizes that control and supervision in public administration have a direct proportional impact on the effectiveness of administrative and legal protection – this is the ability of public administration to restore violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of non-governmental individuals and legal entities, as well as the public interest of the State and society, in a timely manner and on the basis of administrative law.


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How to Cite

Правоторова, О. М. (2024). CONTROL AND SUPERVISION IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND THEIR FEATURES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (3), 56-63.