


lobbying, public administration, institutionalization, entrepreneurship, consultative and advisory bodies, industry lobbying, corruption


In the proposed article, the author examines the directions of optimization of lobbying activities of business entities based on the provisions of the new Law «On Lobbying» and the creation of an effective model of partnership between government and business. The result should be the formation in Ukraine of a legally regulated and socially oriented mechanism of interaction between business, non-state sectoral entrepreneurial institutions and power structures and politicians to promote and protect the interests of various branches of the domestic economy. At the same time, the functions of the industry lobbying mechanism are basic in relation to lobbying methods and, accordingly, forms of interaction between state authorities and structures that represent the interests of the industry and its constituents. the industry lobbying mechanism works in the field of public administration as a component of the market of political services, and accordingly is an important tool of interaction between business and authorities. Since the very process of this interaction definitely affects the quality of management decisions and reformation processes in the public administration system, the institution of industry lobbying should definitely be considered an important factor in effective public administration. Along with the sectoral lobbying system of big business, it is necessary to build a system of lobbying structures, through which representatives of small and medium-sized businesses will be able to effectively promote and defend their legitimate interests. In this segment of entrepreneurship, it is also necessary to rely on already existing organizational structures, we are talking about consultative and advisory bodies on issues of entrepreneurship development. It is quite difficult to use these structures as lobbyists and in connection with the lack of proper self-organization and competent personnel, direct contact with representatives of the authorities (general access mode), and access to the process of updating (drafts) of normative legal acts and program documents. The work substantiates innovations that should transform consultative and advisory bodies into full-fledged structures for lobbying the interests of small and medium-sized businesses.


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How to Cite

Вінниченко, О. О. (2024). THE INSTITUTIONAL DIMENSION OF ECONOMIC LOBBYING IN THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (4), 3-10.