civil servant, moral image, ethical standardsAbstract
The presented article examines the relationship between ethical standards and the moral image of a civil servant. It is noted that the moral image of a civil servant is formed on the basis of ethical standards, which reflect the basic moral principles and rules of conduct of civil servants, which contribute to the prevention of corruption, increasing the efficiency of management and ensuring the objectivity of management decisions. It is emphasized that the historical development of ethical standards shows that the moral responsibility of civil servants has always been important for the public good, and their implementation and effectiveness depend on the specific social, cultural and legal conditions in each country. It is determined that the relationship between ethical standards and the moral image of a civil servant is as follows: ethical standards set the framework for the behavior of a civil servant, aimed at ensuring the trust of citizens and increasing the efficiency of public administration, and the moral image is formed as a public assessment of the civil servant's compliance with these standards and reflects his integrity and professionalism. It is emphasized that the general ethical standards of civil servants are respect for human rights and freedoms, impartiality and objectivity, devotion to the state and service to society, honesty and transparency of activities, responsibility for one's actions, professionalism and competence, loyalty and collective ethics, abstention from political involvement, protection of information, humanism and empathy, etc.It is noted that violation of ethical standards entails the following consequences for the moral image of a civil servant: loss of trust of citizens, decrease in authority in the professional environment, undermining of the reputation of the civil service and reputational losses for Ukraine in the international arena, increased risk of corruption, and in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war leads to a threat to the country's turnover capacity, weakening of social stability and economic security, creating obstacles in humanitarian activities, weakening of law and order, lowering the morale of the population and the military, etc. It is determined that the moral image of the "ideal civil servant" in the conditions of modern challenges includes patriotism, integrity, transparency of actions and responsibility for one's decisions, and the formation of such qualities requires constant improvement of the system of ethical standards and strengthening their observance to strengthen the trust of citizens and sustainable development of public administration.
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