


corn oil, linseed oil, blending, oxidation, polyunsaturated acid


The health of the nation is one of the main priorities of the leadership of every civilized state. To achieve this goal, it is very important to ensure adequate nutrition for the population. In particular, an important factor is the balance of the fatty acid composition of fats and oils, the presence and certain ratio of higher fatty acids, which belong to the essential components. Fatty acid composition is one of the identifying features in the analysis of fats. A possible solution to the problem of balanced composition is the creation of blended oils. The purpose of the work was to carry out an expert assessment of the obtained blended oil sample, the composition of which is close to ideal in terms of the ratio of polyunsaturated acids. An analysis of their fatty acid composition was carried out for the blend and starting oils. The storage stability of oils was evaluated by changing the acid, iodine and peroxide numbers. It has been experimentally proven that unrefined kuku-red oil is more resistant to the action of oxidants than refined, so unrefined corn oil was chosen for blending. We obtained the blend by mixing corn oil (90 %) and linseed oil (10 %). In its composition, the ω-3/ω-6 PUFA ratio is 1:10, which is recommended for a healthy person. The results of monitoring the peroxide value of the mixture, as well as corn and linseed oils, showed its natural increase during storage. However, the actually obtained values of the peroxide number for the blend were somewhat lower than those calculated, based on the values of the peroxide number of individual oils and their content in the composition of the blend. In addition, the increase in the peroxide value of the mixture is much slower compared to the linseed oil sample. That is, the presence of corn oil in the sample inhibits the formation of hydroperoxides and peroxides. This is probably due to the presence of tocopherol antioxidants in corn oil.


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How to Cite

Озоліна, С. О., & Антіпіна, О. О. (2023). EXPERT ASSESSMENT OF BLEND BASED ON CORN AND LINSEED OILS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (2), 210-218.