


food industry, confectionery, glaze, phosphatide concentrate, organoleptic characteristics, viscosity


Among confectionery, a special place is occupied by glazed confectionery and chocolate, the main components of which are cocoa butter and cocoa mass, which are obtained from imported raw materials – cocoa beans. In the production of glazes for confectionery, special attention is paid to reducing the viscosity of the compositions and reducing the consumption of cocoa products and, above all, cocoa butter. The glaze slows down the processes of oxidation, hardening, moisture, thereby extending the shelf life of the product, as well as provides external attractiveness, compositional completeness and taste palette of the product. Glazes for confectionery are multi-component mixtures. In the molten state, in which all technological processes are carried out, they are dispersed systems. Well-known emulsifiers for the confectionery industry are phosphatides. They effectively retain excess water in chocolate glazes, thereby allowing you to get a smooth glossy surface of chocolate coatings and a pleasant taste. It is important to develop a glaze formulation using emulsifiers, the components of which are domestic raw materials. The paper considers the possibility of using products of animal fat processing, as well as tropical oil, the availability of which is increasing in our country every year. In order to expand the range of emulsifiers, the article shows the possibility of using combinations of phosphatide concentrate with a mixture of mono- and diglycerides of animal fat, as well as with a mixture of mono-, diglycerides of tropical oil. This combination of components was used as emulsifiers in the glaze formulation for confectionery. Based on the research, it was found that it is optimal and cost-effective to add a combination of phosphatide concentrate and a mixture of mono- and diglycerides of animal fat to the glaze for confectionery in the amount of 0.4%. It is this dosage that reduces the viscosity and does not affect the organoleptic characteristics of the finished product.


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How to Cite

Голуб, Л., & Земелько, М. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF EMULSIFIERS FOR THE CONFECTIONERY INDUSTRY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 3-9.