public administration, national interests, state humanitarian policy, influence, civil society, humanitarian security.Abstract
The peculiarities of the functioning of the humanitarian sphere should consist, first of all, in the formation of democratic forms of public administration, the establishment of the priority of the rights and freedoms of citizens. In order to achieve efficiency in the state humanitarian policy, a new system of public administration in the humanitarian sphere should be formed, based on democratic principles, state ideology, constitutional principles, as well as active participation of society in the formation of civil society. Scientific and applied provisions of humanitarian security are characterized by a synergetic nature, which arises from the integrative approach of public authorities and public institutions to ensure effective implementation of state humanitarian policy, which is to mobilize material, spiritual and organizational resources of the state. These factors expand the influence of civil society on the system of public administration, which contributes to the effectiveness of state humanitarian policy. The problem of public administration in the field of humanitarian security is primarily in the absence of a comprehensively formed humanitarian sector of national security, which would represent a single integrated vector. The formulation of the essential content of public administration in ensuring humanitarian security is through a combination of such criteria as the interests of public associations in particular and civil society in general to preserve and develop national interests through modern forms of public interaction and social dialogue in the implementation of state humanitarian policy of Ukraine. The question of the essence of the state humanitarian policy and the ways of developing common values and meanings that focus on the formation of civil society determines the functional field of humanitarian security. Management approaches to the formation of state humanitarian policy in the context of national security by strengthening the role of civil society should contribute to achieving social stability, increasing social solidarity, reconciling state and social priorities, reaching agreement on major humanitarian development issues in national interests. Among the vast majority of civil society institutions, there are those whose activities are directly aimed at solving problems of humanitarian security. At the present stage in Ukraine the national consolidation as a whole is actualized and the influence on the corresponding processes of the humanitarian sphere is noted. This requires a comprehensive generalization of the concept of humanitarian security in the context of its consideration from the standpoint and conditions of protection of vital interests of the individual, society and the state. Public influence on countering threats to national security should include systematic activities of analytical, predictive and organizational nature with a focus on defining strategies for managing national security and risk for humanitarian systems of different levels under external influences. State humanitarian policy must be inseparable from the processes of mutual delegation of powers and social responsibility in the relationship between public authorities and civil society.
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